So, from here on out I am restricting my spending drastically. There are a few purchases that will be necessary, namely, a backpack, of which my budget is $130. I have found a North Face W Crestone 60 pack that is on sale at Bob Wards for $119. This may be the one that I go with, as it would also work very well for backpacking into Montana's wilderness.
So this weekend followed last weekend in that I spent hardly any money. On Saturday I worked, and then went to the free movie. Sunday was spent hiking in Pattee Canyon with Arthur, Sunny, and Brian. After that we all went and met up with Emily at Taco Del Sol for tacos and PBR tall boys (which, by the way are only $1 there). Total spent for Saturday, Sunday and Monday: $7.00

Today, I went to the gym, paid my necessary living expenses, then headed out to play tennis with my boss. After loosing to him (?) I headed uptown to inquire about a recurring running problem at The Runner's Edge, where the owner gave me a free pair of socks! A quick stop at The Dark Room convinced me that I need a polarizing filter for my camera, of which will cost me anywhere from $10-$40. Not sure if I really need this, but Ebay does have one for $10.99, so I may try that out.
I have also been spending some time reading again. Right now, I am working on Don Quixote. So far it has been slow going, but I am enjoying it. I also need to get back into the Italian lessons, as I now know that I am going.
I hope to make extra money this weekend by selling all of my excess stuff on a garage sale. I probably won't make enough to buy my pack, but I'll bet I come close.
Glad to hear you are going to go to Italy, how exciting! Don Quixote is not such a hot read. I would suggest Haruki Murakami's Wind Up Bird Chronicle or Dumas and his Count of Monte Cristo.
Congrats Julie!
Before you buy a pack you should check out the Sports Exchange, on 3rd and Higgins. The owner is really knowledgeable and will hook you up with what you need.
He might even do a straight up trade if you bring in some of the stuff left after your garage sale!
Best of luck!
p.s. if you bring a friend to the Sports Exchange you should borrow the owner's tandem bike for a spin!
It's so fun to ride down the tree lined streets. And if you're like me, sit in the back and make the front person do all the pedaling :) most recommended while licking on a big dipper ice cream cone, OR after having a pint from the K-hole! - and guilt free pleasures after all the money you saved by trading at the Exchange! (damn, wish I was there!) Enjoy.
Ha! That's ironic...I biked by there on Monday but the shop was closed. I sold a tent there and I have some other gear that I may just see if he wants to swap with me.
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