There are plenty of things to look forward to now that it is Autumn. For me, it is the crisp, clean morning air on my runs, the changing scenery as the leaves turn colors and then blanket the green grass so that I can run through them with childlike abandon. However, part of me is still sad. It is very dark here in Northern Montana during the Winter months, and after having so much sun, and fun, I worry that I may get into a rut. I am consciously aware that thinking this way is not good, and must bring my awareness to the delights of the changes going on outside.
It doesn't matter what season it is here in Missoula, the sunsets are always fabulous. Wednesday night Justin and I headed to a bridge that is conveniently located just a couple of blocks from our apartments. There has been a fire burning near Stevensville since the middle of July that has only recently brought smoke up our way...this proves to add to the atmosphere and makes the sunsets a bit different than I am used to.

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