After lunch we made our way to a free flight demonstration of several Harris's hawk. They were amazing birds. The females are larger, and thus dominate the males. They are one of few species that will perch together and are very family oriented. At times during the demonstration, they flew between our heads, or just barely cleared the crowd.

It was not long before it was time to head back to Mesa, where we would meet up with our Aunt and Uncle and say goodbye to Mindy. Before we parted ways, we went out for pizza and a show at Organ Stop Pizza. What a neat place! We all enjoyed great pizza (veggie for my Aunt and I) and a good deal of awesome music.
After Mindy left, the four of us headed back to Chuck and Mary's place. We played cards for several hours and then called it a night. The next morning, we went out for breakfast and enjoyed catching up further. Half past ten, we dropped Michelle off at the airport and said our goodbyes, for what will probably be another three to four months. My plane didn't leave for several more hours so the three of us went up South Mountain and enjoyed some more sun, although it was only in the lower 60's. I'm not complaining, because by that time, I had heard that it was 11 degrees in Missoula!
The time had come for me to leave. As I waited for my flight, I sat reflecting on the weekend. I was disappointed that the weekend had been so short, but thankful for being able to meet up with so many people that I knew. I realized just how much I miss my family, especially my dad. That is of course because Chuck is his brother. I never realized how much they look, speak and act alike. I find myself looking forward to a visit back home, to play cards, go golfing, and just hang out with my family.
Just minutes from landing in Missoula, the sun was setting. It was a beautiful way to end a wonderful three day weekend.