It seems that whenever I get interested in something, it starts turning up in articles that I read or headlines that I come across. A couple of months ago, I began looking in to working with sterling silver again, mostly because it is inexpensive compared to gold, and also thinking that I may want to start selling it in a friend's boutique. So I started thinking about using reticulation as a texture on some of the silver. Low and behold, in that month's issue of Jewelry Artist there were two articles on the subject. I started playing around with it and have gotten some fun results that I will have to photograph and show here.
My latest interest stems from my diamond grading class through GIA. I'm wanting to use different gems in my designs, and thought that getting a hold of some rough diamonds might be the ticket. Yet again, Jewelry Artist Magazine has an article in this month's issue just about that! I was delighted to read that I can get decent amounts of rough in various sizes for just a little bit of money. Now mind you, they won't be perfect octahedrons, and they won't be crystal clear, but I think that perfect stones wouldn't fit my designs anyway. Part of what will make them more interesting is that they aren't ideal, but beautiful in their own right.
Something else that I've been meaning to put together is a stage to photograph my jewelry. In last month's issue of Photography Journal there was an article on how to light and shoot jewelry. Perfect, right? Now I just need to make a setup for all of the jewelry that I am about to finish.
So now I'm off to the drawing board to make these ideas a reality. Below is a pendant that I just completed for one of my clients.