Last week was the first week since I started Photo Friday that I didn't get to post any pictures, so this week, I am doubling up a bit. The first couple are from a fly fishing trip south of Livingston, MT. A guy that I recently started dating took me and it was a blast! I caught three white fish, and let them all go. I had never caught a fish while fly fishing, so this was an extra special trip. I can't wait to go again!
Up next was my trip home to Iowa. Since I didn't have any pressing matters back here in Montana (no job) I decided to drive, and I took both Oliver and Twist with. I stopped in Denver to see a friend for a few days and then headed on home. It was not a surprise visit this time and I was able to see almost everyone that I wanted to.
While I was hanging out with my "old crew" I knew that this wasn't home any longer. It is where I grew up, and only that. I missed my friends, and will try harder to keep in touch, but home is truly Montana now. I couldn't wait to get back to the crisp air, mountain views, and winding rivers. What I once thought that I wanted in Iowa, I now want even more in Montana; a family. Many of my friends have children now, and it makes me want them even more. I was asked by several of them when I planned on starting a family. My response was, "when I'm ready." Well, I am. And perhaps I've met the person I'm supposed to have that family with, perhaps not. Either way, in the next couple of years, married or not, I plan on starting that family of mine. For now, I am happy with Oliver and Twist.